my name is kassim... I am 23 and I am doing the FdA film and tv Production course

My photo
I am tall 6 foot 6... this is my 8th year at CCAD...

Thursday 14 October 2010

Live Project

I am now working on 3 live projects which are:
  • wedding ring
  • C.C.A.D project
  • Bullying Campaign
I am waiting to find out what roles i will be doing for 2 projects
for the wedding ring i will be doing sound.

i am looking forward to doing my live projects and have already started my work.

Thursday 7 October 2010


My roles in Muti'cam are: Costume, Producer  for second unit materials, Floor Manager for live show, Camera 1 for live show and possibly runner and Cable Basher.

I am looking forward to being a Producer, however, I need to to start the second unit materials asap

costume: I am looking forward to this role but i need help in doing coustume as this is new to me

Floor Manager : This will be an interseting role for me but one i am really looking forward to

Camera 1: I am worried about this role as i am not to confidence on Camera